Der Bohnenturm
Sunday 26.09.2010, 3 pm, Skulpturenpark Berlin_Zentrum, Beuthstrasse/Seydelstraße
The Bohnenturm installation by Cedric Bomford and Verena Kaminiarz runs for the duration of one bean-growing season in the summer of 2010 at Skulpturenpark Berlin_Zentrum. It consists of a tower constructed from reclaimed/salvaged materials that acts as an architectural support for the growth of approximately 40 pole bean plants of three varieties. The tower has grown with the beans, with another section added as the beans reach the top of each level. Currently, the tower and beans are pushing 6 meters. On the north side of the structure, there is an opening that leads to a ladder, allowing the visitor to climb to the top of the tower. Parallels may be drawn to the fairy tale of Jack and the Beanstalk, with visitors being able to literally climb the beans to see what might be at the top.
Questions may also be asked about the desire to grow in a larger sense, as the surrounding area continues to be filled up with new developments promising progressive standards of living in a cool new area of the city. What does Jack’s own desire have to do with this drive for progress?
For a presentation & beans, we invite you to Skulpturenpark Berlin_Zentrum on Sunday, September 26 at 3pm.